bayesglm in Stata?

Is there an implementation of bayesglm in Stata? (That is, approximate maximum penalized likelihood estimation with specified normal or t prior distributions on the coefficients.)

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3 thoughts on “bayesglm in Stata?

  1. I have some code written with normal priors (the user specifies the prior mean and variance) for logistic regression and poisson regression. I haven't documented it as well as i should yet and haven't had time to finish up the code for other common regression models. its on my 'to do' list for when i'm done teaching in a few weeks. happy to send you the program if you want to play around though.

  2. Stata is not very good in this department. I have been trying to convince Stata folks to make the move to R in this regard. There is a neat function called MCMCglmm which is capable of doing binary, multinomial, poisson, etc. random effects models in a Bayesian framework.

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