What is spatial epidemiology, anyway?

Every time I talk or teach about spatial epidemiology, I find myself confronted with the difficulty of defining what it is. More specifically, I have a hard time defining what my version of it is, why I do research in this area, teach about it, and just think about it a lot of the time. I also worry that students who came for maps, GIS, fancy statistical models, and all that good stuff will be a bit disappointed when they get my version, which has some of that but is also more eclectic and navel-gazey.

Sometimes, I think about changing the name of the class to something like “relational epidemiology”, “spatial and contextual epidemiology” or just health geography – but I’m not a geographer and I’m not totally sure what health geography is, either.

At the end of the day, spatial epidemiology is interesting and important to me because it is relational in nature. Maybe this just reflects the way my brain has been poisoned by training in the social sciences and infectious disease dynamics, which are all about relationships and interpersonal dependence. But if we called it relational epidemiology, what would the most important relationships be?

  • Relationships between individuals, e.g. in a classic social network.
  • Relationships between people and the environment, i.e. climate change and other types of human-driven ecological change.
  • Relationships between areas of the physical environment, e.g. dispersal of dust and other pollutants through the air, movement of bacterial and viral pathogens via water sources.
  • Hierarchical relationships between social units, i.e. neighborhoods within cities.
  • Within-individual change over time, e.g. the progression of chronic illness, natural aging.

This defines the problem space for what I think of as being the super-group of “relational epidemiology” topics. Then we have a set of ideas or approaches that act as useful frames through which to view these ideas: Spatial analysis clearly falls under this heading, but so do network analysis, time-series analyses, non-spatial hierarchical models, individual-based models, and on and on. These also touch on other well-established fields like ecology, social epidemiology, environmental health, sociology, economics, political science, and on and on.

Making Choices

One of the early lectures in my online spatial epidemiology course is titled “Making maps means making choices”. I like this one because it gives me the opportunity to feel smart by reiterating a point that has been made many times before: Spatial approaches to public health are powerful because they are decidedly non-neutral. Maps have the pleasing appearance of something settled and clear, but we know they obscure more than they show. A disease map includes the information on risk and relationships we want to highlight. The stuff that is left out is implicitly understood to be less important than what is left in. This makes it just like any other model, statistical, mathematical or otherwise.

I guess this is why I keep calling the class spatial epidemiology rather than something more expansive that could allay some of the mildly guilty feeling I get about teaching a version of this class that is heavier on ‘spatial thinking’ (whatever that is) than ‘spatial methods’. (Honestly I’m not even sure what exactly belongs in that set or doesn’t – but that’s for another day).

When I say it’s a course about spatial epidemiology, to me that ultimately means that space is the starting point rather than the destination. In other words, if we put things on a map or estimate a model of the distances between individuals with different attributes or outcomes, then we have to ask why the patterns we see are the way they are. We get to tangle with all the wooly questions about relationships and interdependence, but we start from a place that most people grok on at least some level.

This can be done as effectively through other lenses: social network analysis, ethnography, agent-based modeling and others. But to me the reason space is particularly powerful for building a relational perspective in epidemiology and public health is that you can put anything on a map: Everything that is within the concern of public health can be pinned down to some location on a map. Whether or not that location is meaningful is another question, but at least it gives us some place to start.

Ok, so what?

I don’t know – up here in Michigan we’re on spring break (it’s above freezing!), and I’m taking a few minutes to think about why I do the things that I do. But more than that, spatial analysis feels like one more slippery set of tools or concepts among the ones I care about. Asking why I care about spatial epidemiology is not that different from asking why I think Bayesian statistics, transmission models, hierarchical analysis, and many other things that sound kind of well-defined but aren’t are good and important things other people should care about.

Teaching about these things, but also publishing on them and writing grants to get people to pay for the work, forces us to articulate what they are all about. But it might be helpful sometimes to zoom out and admit to ourselves and everyone else that these are all fuzzy concepts, more like a question we have to continually ask and answer rather than one that has a fixed meaning.

And maybe you already knew that – but I wrote this to remind myself for the next time I forget.

(Thanks to Krzysztof Sakrejda and Joey Dickens for ideas & feedback! h/t to Justin Lessler et al. for their great paper “What is a hotspot anyway?” that got me thinking about this.)

8 thoughts on “What is spatial epidemiology, anyway?

  1. Oh good, this gives me a chance to recommend the paper “All Maps of Parameter Estimates are Misleading.” http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/research/published/allmaps.pdf

    Oh, and this is also related: http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/research/published/lin.pdf

    After those papers I sort of drifted away from spatial analysis, which is too bad because (as you know) there’s a lot that can be done in that general area and a lot of it is both important and interesting.

    • It’s a double-ended chainsaw, for sure! I think in the first paper you’re getting at something I also still find myself a bit stuck on – that ‘hotspot’ analyses are often ‘hottest spot’ analyses. These can suffer from the exact same problems as NHST in which we blindly assume that more risk in a discrete area is inherently meaningful. I used to think CAR/ICAR/Gaussian Process models would save us by moving the focus towards more efficient spatial estimation, and to some extent they have. But the ‘hotspot’ metaphor/obsession lives on and probably has been given a kind of stay of execution by the covid crisis.

      Fwiw, this paper – from which I cribbed the title of this post – does a good job of asking/answering what we really mean by hotspot analysis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5462559/

  2. “When I say it’s a course about spatial epidemiology, to me that ultimately means that space is the starting point rather than the destination.”

    Thinking spatially about thinking spatially. Very meta.

    • I worry that my overuse of ‘dad jokes’ with my 4 and 7 y/o kids has kind of permeated everything at this point and that it makes me a bit fast and loose with the worst metaphors.

  3. Thanks for this post. I’ve published in spatial demography, which similarly often has trouble answering the question “how is this not just population geography?” and, as a geographer, I’m still not really clear on the answer. The cynical answer would be that geography as a field is poorly understood, especially in the US, and so “spatial epi” “spatial demography” etc just represent attempts by other disciplines to reinvent the wheel. That’s probably not quite it, but there certainly is a lot of overlap. Also, I would say spatial epi is closer to medical geography than health geography fwiw; my experience with the latter is that it tends to imply some amount of mixed-methods/theory/woo.

    • I am perhaps another “cynical” American geographer, but I agree. This sounds like medical/health geography to me, too. Jon’s bullet-point list of relationships would make a good outline of what questions geographers bring to studying pretty much any topic. Rather than policing disciplinary boundaries, though, which like most boundaries are dynamic and porous anyway, I am just glad to see questions of space and of relationships within and across distinctive settings/contexts appear in any analysis.

      Sounds like a great course, Jon, by any name!

      • Yes, I definitely did not mean to convey the sense I was trying to police disciplinary boundaries; indeed I took more courses outside my department than inside it as a grad student, and in general probably was more aligned with the subset of sociologists who care about space than with the geographers by the time I finished. It was just a running joke among some of my geography friends that so many fields have had to reinvent stuff geographers were studying in the mid-twentieth century, largely (imo) because geography fell so far out of favor in the US in the decades following WW2.

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