“No System is Perfect: Understanding How Registration-Based Editorial Processes Affect Reproducibility and Investment in Research Quality”

Robert Bloomfield, Kristina Rennekamp, Blake Steenhoven sent along this paper that compares “a registration-based Editorial Process (REP). Authors submitted proposals to gather and analyze data; successful proposals were guaranteed publication as long as the authors lived up to their commitments, regardless of whether results supported their predictions” to “the Traditional Editorial Process (TEP).”

Here’s what they found:

[N]o system is perfect. Registration is a useful complement to the traditional editorial process, but is unlikely to be an adequate replacement. By encouraging authors to shift from follow-up investment to up-front investment, REP encourages careful planning and ambitious data gathering, and reduces the questionable practices and selection biases that undermine the reproducibility of results. But the reduction in follow-up investment leaves papers in a less-refined state than the traditional process, leaving useful work undone. Because accounting is a small field, with journals that typically publish a small number of long articles, subsequent authors may have no clear opportunity to make a publishable contribution by filling in the gaps.

With experience, we expect that authors and editors will learn which editorial process is better suited to which types of studies, and learn how to draw inferences differently from papers produced by these very different systems. We also see many ways that both editorial processes could be improved by moving closer toward each other. REP would be improved by encouraging more outside input before proposals are accepted, and more extensive revisions after planned analyses are conducted, especially those relying on forms of discretion that our community sees as most helpful and least harmful. TEP would be improved by demanding more complete and accurate descriptions of procedures (as Journal of Accounting Research has been implementing for several years (updated JAR [2018]), not only those that help subsequent authors follow those procedures, but also those that help readers interpret p-values in light of the alternatives that authors considered and rejected in calculating them. REP and TEP would complement one another more successfully if journals would be more open to publishing short articles under TEP that fill in the gaps left by articles published under REP.

They also share some anecdotes:

“I was serving as a reviewer for a paper at a top journal, and the original manuscript submitted by the authors had found conflicting results relating to the theory they had proposed–in other words, some of the results were consistent with expectations derived from the theory while others were contrary. The other reviewer suggested that the authors consider a different theory that was, frankly, a better fit for the situation and that explained the pattern of results very well–far better than the theory proposed by the authors. The question immediately arose as to whether it would be ethical and proper for the authors to rewrite the manuscript with the new theory in place of the old. This was a difficult situation because it was clear the authors had chosen a theory that didn’t fit the situation very well, and had they been aware (or had thought of) the alternate theory suggested by the other reviewer, they would have been well advised on an a priori basis to select it instead of the one they went with, but I had concerns about a wholesale replacement of a theory after data had been collected to test a different theory. On the other hand, the instrument used in collecting the data actually constituted a reasonably adequate way to test the alternate theory, except, of course that it wasn’t specifically designed to differentiate between the two. I don’t recall exactly how the situation was resolved as it was a number of years ago, but my recollection is that the paper was published after some additional data was collected that pointed to the alternate theory.”

-Respondent 84, Full Professor, Laboratory Experiments 

“As an author, I have received feedback from an editor at a Top 3 journal that the economic significance of the results in the paper seemed a little too large to be fully explained by the hypotheses. My co-authors and I were informed by the editor of an additional theoretical reason why the effects sizes could be that large and we were encouraged by the editor to incorporate that additional discussion into the underlying theory in the paper.  My co-authors and I agreed that the theory and arguments provided by the editor seemed reasonable. As a result of incorporating this suggestion, we believe the paper is more informative to readers.”

-Respondent 280, Assistant Professor, Archival

“As a doctoral student, I ran a 2x2x2 design on one of my studies. The 2×2 of primary interest worked well in one level of the last variable but not at all in the other level. I was advised by my dissertation committee not to report the results for participants in the one level of that factor that “didn’t work” because that level of the factor was not theoretically very important and the results would be easier to explain and essentially more informative. As a result, I ended up reporting only the 2×2 of primary interest with participants from the level of the third variable where the 2×2 held up. To this day, I still feel a little uncomfortable about that decision, although I understood the rationale and thought it made sense.”

-Respondent 85, Full Professor, Laboratory Experiments

This all seems relevant to discussions of preregistration, post-publication review, etc.

2 thoughts on ““No System is Perfect: Understanding How Registration-Based Editorial Processes Affect Reproducibility and Investment in Research Quality”

    • Thanks for sharing that! Chris was a great help to us in planning the conference. I think he is a bit too dismissive of how hard it is to incorporate registration into the current environment, and a bit too harsh on the shortcomings of the traditional process, but no doubt that’s part of what has made him such a successful advocate.

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