My (remote) talk this Friday 3pm at the Department of Cognitive Science at UCSD

It was too much to do one more flight so I’ll do this one in (nearly) carbon-free style using hangout or skype.

It’s 3pm Pacific time in CSB (Cognitive Science Building) 003 at the University of California, San Diego.

This is what they asked for in the invite:

Our Friday afternoon COGS200 series has been a major foundation of the Cognitive Science community and curriculum in our department for decades and is attended by faculty and students from diverse fields (e.g. anthropology, human-computer-interface/design, AI/machine learning, neuroscience, philosophy of mind, psychology, genetics, etc).

One of the goals of our Spring quarter series is to expose attendees to research on the cultural practices surrounding data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation. In particular, we were hoping to have a section exploring current methods in statistical inference, with an emphasis on designing analyses appropriate to the question being asked. If you are interested and willing, we would love for you to share your expertise on multilevel / hierarchical modeling—as well as your more general perspective on how scientists can better deploy statistical models for conducting good, replicable science. (Relevant papers that come to mind include your 2016 paper on “multiverse analyses”, as well as your 2017 “Abandon statistical significance” paper.)

I’m still not sure what’s the best thing to talk about. I guess I’ll start with what’s in that above paragraph and then go from there.

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