“The psychologists are getting a hard time for doing what they do, whereas people doing real harm to society are happily roaming around like free range chicken”

Shravan Vasishth writes: At least people like Amy Cuddy are just doing bullshit research that’s harmless (after all, raising your arms up high before an interview is unlikely to hurt society much). But check out this MIT “Professor” explaining the … Continue reading

How to think about a Psychological Science paper that seems iffy but is not obviously flawed?

So I open the email one day and see this: hi, Andrew – FYI, here’s another paper from the Annals of Small-N Correlational Studies, also known as Psychological Science: http://www.futurity.org/society-culture/can-bigger-desks-make-us-dishonest/ and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/26/physical-environment-dishonesty-space-corrupt-behavior-study_n_3497126.html hope all is well! The research paper he … Continue reading