13 thoughts on “New book coming out by Fischer Black!

  1. I guess this is a joke because “Noise” is an article from 1986, Fischer black has been dead for over 25 years, and the NYT article linked doesn’t mention him by name. But I don’t get it?

  2. Fischer Black died in ’95 at 57; Emanual Derman, who worked with him at Goldman Sachs, teaches Financial Engineering at Columbia… Black would probably have been a co-recipient of ’97 Nobel prize in Econ (not given posthumously) along with his collaborators Merton and Scholes.

  3. Fischer’s paper was about the problems with noise. Kahneman and Sustein’s book about noise is supposed to offer ways to solve the problem of noise, which is weird because Shannon already did. It’s called redundancy. Maybe they were leading by example.

  4. I can already see that the book has mixed reviews, those positive stating that it is an ‘important topic which we need to talk about’, which very closely mimics opinions on social problems that nobody really cares about but wants to look cool, caring and knowledgeable. There is just too many popular authors in the last years writing about some statistical bias and misuse of models.

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