67 thoughts on “Alternative titles for Regression and Other Stories

    • > Regression, Regression, Regression! Who Day and Night Must Flatten Into Pattern

      Thanks, and I had JUST gotten this song out of my head!

      I just hope my parameter estimates aren’t as shaky as a…

  1. Dress to Regress: Navigating the World of Modeling In Search of a True Relationship
    The Least Square in the Room: How to Stand Out Among Statisticians

    Then, once I’m a best-selling author on the topic…

    Regress to Press: How I Maximized My Residuals By Minimizing My Residuals

  2. No Regression

    Oh, fear predictions of men are failing
    These are methods we don’t know
    Linear regression now is spreading
    Galton declared it would be so

    I’m going where there’s no regression
    To a better land that’s free from error
    I’ll leave this world of linear least squares
    My home’s in heaven, I’m going there

    In this dark hour, midnight nearing
    The GLM time will come
    Non-Guassian errors will hurl terror
    And sweep lost millions to their doom

    I’m going where there’s no regression
    To a better land that’s free from error
    I’ll leave this world of linear least squares
    My home’s in heaven, I’m going there

    I’m going where there’s no regression
    To a better land that’s free from error
    I’ll leave this world of linear least squares
    My home’s in heaven, I’m going there

    • Anon:

      Book is done; we’re just fixing typos, cleaning up the index, and adding a few homework problems. Realistically I think the title is set, but I thought it would be fun to consider alternatives. The physical book should be out in a few months, or however long it takes Cambridge University Press to do that sort of thing.

  3. “You have to see a man about a regression”

    “Digressions on regression”

    “Recent progresses in regression” (Alas, this one would be taken seriously…)

  4. My contributions:

    Least Squares for the Soul
    Dummy Variables for Smarties
    The Odd SE
    Frequentistein (stole that from SIST)
    The Count of Monte Carlo
    Wuthering Weights
    Brave New Lines
    Dangers of Dichotomania
    Catcher in the Y-Axis
    To Kill a Bad Inference
    A Bend in the Line
    Stat Trek: The Next Regression (special appearance by Data)
    Something Statistics This Way Comes
    The Regressioner’s Guide to the Galaxy
    The Tower of Probable
    Regression in 1 Easy Step

  5. We should not be talking about “the title,” but instead think of each copy’s title as a draw from a distribution of titles, and try to describe that distribution.

    I hope Dan Simpson working on a mixtape for this book.

    • At this point, we have quite a list of possible titles — but describing the distribution of titles — that’s another story. (I suppose we could do it by vote?)

  6. Regressional Professional’s Insurrectional Confessional

    Regressional Professionals’ Insurrectional Confessional

    Sensational Inundational Educational ???

    inaccessible inexpressible regressional suggestional

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