9 thoughts on “Inshallah

  1. Some of my grandfather’s journals have ended up in my possession, and sometimes I transcribe parts of them to send to relatives. He often used the abbreviation DV, especially when describing his plans for the day or other period of time. DV stands for the Latin Deo volente, which translates as “God willing”, which is the Christian equivalent of Inshallah.

  2. After clicking the “every leaf” link, I noticed “our work on serial dilution assays, which is I think the cleanest thing I’ve ever done”, which inspires me to say, “Duh — if you dilute something serially, it’s bound to come out cleaner than when you started” :~)

  3. Well, after a couple of years spent in the Middle East I would translate “Inshallah” as a cross between “If all goes well” and “As God wills” depending on the speaker.

    The US equivalent might be “God willing and the creeks don’t rise”.

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