New papers on LOO/WAIC and Stan

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Aki, Jonah, and I have released the much-discussed paper on LOO and WAIC in Stan: Efficient implementation of leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC for evaluating fitted Bayesian models.
We (that is, Aki) now recommend LOO rather than WAIC, especially now that we have an R function to quickly compute LOO using Pareto smoothed importance sampling. In either case, a key contribution of our paper is to show how LOO/WAIC can be computed in the regular workflow of model fitting.

We also compute the standard error of the difference between LOO (or WAIC) when comparing two models, and we demonstrate with the famous arsenic well-switching example.

Also 2 new tutorial articles on Stan will be appearing:
in JEBS: Stan: A probabilistic programming language for Bayesian inference and optimization.
in JSS: Stan: A probabilistic programming language
The two articles have very similar titles but surprisingly little overlap. I guess it’s the difference between what Bob thinks is important to say, and what I think is important to say.


P.S. Jonah writes:

For anyone interested in the the R package “loo” mentioned in the paper, please install from GitHub and not CRAN. There is a version on CRAN but it needs to be updated so please for now use the version here:

To get it running, you must first install the “devtools” package in R, then you can just install and load “loo” via:


Jonah will post an update when the new version is also on CRAN.

P.P.S. This P.P.S. is by Jonah. The latest version of the loo R package (0.1.2) is now up on CRAN and should be installable for most people by running


although depending on various things (your operating system, R version, CRAN mirror, what you ate for breakfast, etc.) you might need

install.packages("loo", type = "source")

to get the new version. For bug reports, installation trouble, suggestions, etc., please use our GitHub issues page. The Stan users google group is also a fine place to ask questions about using the package with your models.

Finally, while we do recommend Stan of course, the R package isn’t only for Stan models. If you can compute a pointwise log-likelihood matrix then you can use the package.

19 thoughts on “New papers on LOO/WAIC and Stan

  1. Poor Andrew. You post three papers about the free software you are making and all you get are comments correcting your typos. So, just to balance things out: Thank you Andrew and collaborators for giving us Stan.

  2. Hi Andrew and Aki,

    Great article and thank you for making a package the “LOO” package to calculate these information criterion for R.

    Two questions:

    1) The article doesn’t mention whether the WAIC/LOO/PSIS-LOO can be used to compare models of a time-series. From the Gelman et al. 2014, it seems that LOO-CV can be used to compare models in a time-series, as you assumed that each data-point is independent.. …is PSIS-LOO better than LOO-CV for time-series?

    2) In the schools example which compares pooled, unpooled and hieararchical models, are you using different data (i.e. ggregated or averaged vs. individuals) on different models? How can you make inference on whether one model fits better than another?

    • See the updated version at Statistics and Computing or arXiv

      1) WAIC/LOO/PSIS-LOO can be used to compare models of a time-series if the accuracy of predictions p(y_t|y_{1,..,t-1,t+1,…,T}) is interesting. Often in case of time series it is assumed that the observations after t are not available for predictions and LOO would be optimistic estimate of the accuracy of predictions p(y_t|y_{1,..,t-1}). This is easy to handle with time series specific cross-validation. PSIS-LOO is an approximation for LOO-CV.

      2) See Section 5.

      • Thanks Aki. The appendices are really helpful. I asked these questions because I think PSIS-LOO would be handy for retrospective analyses for model comparison among state-space models for fisheries stock assessment.

        I asked whether different data could be used to compare different model structure in the school examples because of the following passage:

        “For example, the 8 schools data are available only at the school
        level and so it seems natural to treat the school-level estimates
        as data. But if the original data had been available, we would
        surely have defined the likelihood based on the individual
        students’ test scores.”

        Do you mean to say, if you had student-level estimates you would use this technique to compare among the models at the school level to those that include a student-level? Wouldn’t this be different data and comparing to different models?

        I ask because I wonder whether I could state-space models in fisheries stock assessment that had age-aggregate observations (catch-per-unit effort) to models that had age-structured level observations (catch-at-age per unit effort). Similar to your statement above.

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