On deck this week

Mon: Crowdstorming a dataset

Tues: Ken Rice presents a unifying approach to statistical inference and hypothesis testing

Wed: The health policy innovation center: how best to move from pilot studies to large-scale practice?

Thurs: Heller, Heller, and Gorfine on univariate and multivariate information measures

Fri: Discovering general multidimensional associations

Sat: “The graph clearly shows that mammography adds virtually nothing to survival and if anything, decreases survival (and increases cost and provides unnecessary treatment)”

Sun: Honored oldsters write about statistics

1 thought on “On deck this week

  1. Sat: “The graph clearly shows that mammography adds virtually nothing to survival and if anything, decreases survival (and increases cost and provides unnecessary treatment)”

    I hope you remember that you are a Bayesian before you join the “mammograms can be hazardous to your health” bandwagon. In general, early cancer detection is a very good thing. The anti-mammogramists also need to explain why breast cancer is the only cancer on the planet where early detection hurts. Please think about your prior probability for this hypothesis before you evaluate the new “evidence.”

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