Annals of really really stupid spam

This came in the inbox today:

Dear Dr. Gelman,

GenWay recently found your article titled “Multiple imputation for model checking: completed-data plots with missing and latent data.” (Biometrics. 2005 Mar;61(1):74-85.) and thought you might be interested in learning about our superior quality signaling proteins.

GenWay prides itself on being a leader in customer service aiming to exceed your expectations with the quality and price of our products. With more than 60,000 reagents backed by our outstanding guarantee you are sure to find the products you have been searching for.

Please feel free to visit the following resource pages:

* Apoptosis Pathway (product list)
* Adipocytokine (product list)
* Cell Cycle Pathway (product list)
* Jak STAT (product list)
* GnRH (product list)
* MAPK (product list)
* mTOR (product list)
* T Cell Receptor (product list)
* TGF-beta (product list)
* Wnt (product list)
* View All Pathways

GenWay also offers peptides which can be customized for your research needs . . .

I have a feeling that this sort of thing is one reason why we in the U.S. spend twice as much per capita on health care compared to other countries without getting anything useful out of it.

3 thoughts on “Annals of really really stupid spam

  1. Might have changed

    but when the group I was working with in the 1980s on an NIH grant to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of clinical trials …

    the amount spent on research was trivial compared to the amount spent on treatments.


  2. It's definitely not academic research scientists driving up costs. Otoh you can trace the cost of pharmaceuticals in the us to the big drug companies.

  3. You at least published in a bio-related journal — I started getting spam like this after publishing an article in CyberPsychology & Behavior as a grad student. The upside was that somebody was calling me "Dr." a year before I defended.

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