My California trip

Monday UC Irvine: Weakly Informative Priors

Tuesday Caltech: Red State, Blue State

Wednesday Google: Red State, Blue State

Wednesday Stanford: I’m not sure yet

Thursday Berkeley: Red State, Blue State

Friday Berkeley: Weakly Informative Priors

If you’re at any of these places, feel free to come and ask your toughest questions!

It looks a little silly that it’s the same two talks over and over, but of course the audiences will all be different. Maybe I’ll vary them a bit, just to keep things interesting. Also I’m giving a few more lectures at Berkeley for some sort of training program at the education school, but I don’t think these are open to general audiences.

If you want to see the slides, the current versions are here and here. (But I think I’ll work a bit on the Red State, Blue State presentation.) And if you want to see slides for a bunch of other talks, go here.

6 thoughts on “My California trip

  1. There are fans of yours at UCLA as well! This makes 5/10 UCs (including the ones you are going). Although you once told me you didn't like the traffic in LA. Still, too bad I missed you…

  2. In your presentation, you use a graphic called the youth vote and everybody else. What's the source of your data? I found exit poll data for every election since '72 at the NYT site:

    Their numbers for the 18-29 year old vote don't match yours. For example, using their figures and adjusting for the presence of Perot in the race, the Republican share of the youth in '92 was 44% and 39% in '96. Your graph shows it as about 39% in both years.

  3. D'oh! I checked and it turned out I had a typo in my code. And it's really really my fault, because I have ugly code where I did cutting and pasting, which is how the typo arose. I posted a fixed graph on blog.

    I guess this is just my day for finding problems in graphs.

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