The Geopolitics of the Pepsi Center

This post by Jeronimo Cortina.

Today R. G. Ratcliffe from the  Houston Chronicle devotes a few paragraphs to talk about the seating arrangements of the 2008 Democratic National Convention. I got curious and decided to check out the Delegate seating for the Pepsi Center. A quick analysis suggests that most of Clinton’s Delagates got the Second row. Only 7 or 5 (depending on how you count ) out of the 22 States in which Clinton won got “floor level” seats (PA, MI*, FL*, NM, IN, NV, NH). However, almost all of these states but Indiana are considered as potential “swing” states.

McCain’s home state (AZ) it’s at the very back, but probably its delegates have a better view than some of their Texas counterparts whose view is being blocked by a network television interview platform… but McCanin is not doing great in AZ where almost 30% of the registered voters surveyed are undecided!! wouldn’t be more important to have AZ on the floor than AK and Guam?… Just asking.

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