
Regarding my anti-Occam stance (“I don’t count ‘Occam’s Razor,’ or ‘Ockham’s Razor,’ or whatever, as a justification. You gotta do better than digging up a 700-year-old quote.”), David Gillman writes: I was at your talk at MIT yesterday, and something … Continue reading

Vigorous data-handling tied to publication in top journals among public heath researchers

Gur Huberman points us to this news article by Nicholas Bakalar, “Vigorous Exercise Tied to Macular Degeneration in Men,” which begins: A new study suggests that vigorous physical activity may increase the risk for vision loss, a finding that has … Continue reading

You’ll never guess what I’ll say about this paper claiming election fraud! (OK, actually probably you can guess.)

Glenn Chisholm writes: As a frequent visitor of your blog (a bit of a long time listener first time caller comment I know) I saw this particular controversy: Summary: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6mLpCEIGEYGYl9RZWFRcmpsZk0/view?pref=2&pli=1 Very superficial analysis: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SdmBLFW9gISaqOyyz_fATgaFupI2-n6vWx80XRGUVBo/edit?pref=2&pli=1 and was interested if I could … Continue reading