108% of respondents say . . .

I was looking up the governors’ popularity numbers on the web, and came across this page from Rasmussen Reports which shows Sarah Palin as the 3rd-most-popular governor. But then I looked more carefully. Janet Napolitano of Arizona is viewed as Excellent by 28% of respondents, Good by 27%, Fair by 26%, and Poor by 27%. That adds up to 108%! What’s going on? I’d think they would have a computer program to pipe the survey results directly into the spreadsheet. But I guess not, someone must be entering these numbers by hand. Weird.

P.S. Mark Blumenthal writes that the question of whether to trust Rasmussen is complicated:

On the one hand (as Charles Franklin, Nate Silver and others can attest) their final polls in statewide races usually score as well or better than other pollsters on measures of accuracy. On the other, they break a lot of the rules: They now seem to prefer to do one night samples, make no call backs to non-contacted numbers (even with multi-night polls) and make no effort to randomly select a respondent within each household. Their questionnaire design choices can be…unusual.

And he links to this column which is relevant.

1 thought on “108% of respondents say . . .

  1. It gets better: It offers a 7/29/2008 rating for Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher. Problem is, Steve Beshear was sworn in as governor 12/11/2007.

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