Doomsday and Bayes

Tyler Cowen links to an article from 1999 by Mark Greenberg that discusses the so-called “doomsday argument,” which holds that there is there is a high probability that humanity will be extinct (or drastically reduce in population) soon, because if this were not true–if, for example, humanity were to continue with 10 billion people or so for the next few thousand years–then each of us would be among the first people to exist, and that’s highly unlikely.

Anyway, the (sociologically) interesting thing about this argument is that it’s been presented as Bayesian (see here, for example) but it’s actually not a Bayesian analysis at all! The “doomsday argument” is actually a classical frequentist confidence interval. Averaging over all members of the group under consideration, 95% of these confidence intervals will contain the true value. Thus, if we go back and apply the doomsday argument to thousands of past data sets, its 95% intervals should indeed have 95% coverage. If you look carefully at classical statistical theory, you’ll see that it makes claims about averages, not about particular cases.

However, this does not mean that there is a 95% chance that any particular interval will contain the true value. Especially not in this situation, where we have additional subject-matter knowledge. That’s where Bayesian statistics (or, short of that, some humility about applying frequentist inferences to particular cases) comes in. The doomsday argument is pretty silly (and also, it’s not Bayesian). Although maybe it’s a good thing that Bayesian inference has such high prestige now that it’s being misapplied in silly ways. That’s a true sign of acceptance of a scientific method.

3 thoughts on “Doomsday and Bayes

  1. One problem with the Doomsday Argument is that there isn't just one of them – there are several, some Bayesian, some not, propounded with varying degrees of statistical literacy. None of them are precise (due to the "reference class" problem), which is one argument for why they're invalid. But even though I'm convinced these arguments are wrong, I'm not convinced that there flaws have been fully explicated.

    A perhaps more interesting related question is the following: Suppose we've narrowed cosmology down to two theories, A and B, which seem equally-well supported by theory and observation. Now suppose we manage to compute that under theory A, the expected number of intelligent species developing in the history of the universe is one trillion, whereas under theory B, the expected number of intelligent species is ten. Given the observation that we exist, should we now consider theory A one hundred billion times more probable than theory B, or are they still equally likely?

  2. In this case, Bayesian just means "uses likelihood ratios" which is, of course, the overlapping frequentist-Bayesian construct.

  3. This actually seems like a good classroom story to tell to hammer home to students that a likelihood function is not a probability distribution.

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